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Change The Shape Of Your Face With Jawline Filler Injections!

Have you noticed an increase in before/after jawline filler injection pictures on your social media feed? It’s because this procedure provides such a “wow factor” in contouring the jawline. If you have noticed that your jawline lacks definition or has begun to sag, you may be a good candidate for this procedure. A well-defined jawline changes as you age, due to inevitable volume loss. Having this area injected with dermal filler can help you achieve a more youthful look, by decreasing the appearance of jowls. The treatment can also be used to balance any face asymmetry.

What to Expect:

Before the procedure we will apply a topical anesthetic to numb the area. This will help with any discomfort caused by the injections. During your treatment, dermal filler is injected along the jawline. In the days after the procedure, you may experience redness, swelling, soreness while chewing, and possible bruising along the jawline where the injections were done. This will subside after a few days, leaving you thrilled with the result! This is a great option if you are not ready for surgery.

Schedule a complimentary consultation to learn more about this treatment and find out if you are a good candidate!


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